Thursday, December 30, 2010
I guess I keep posting about rolling but when she gets it she gets it! She also rolled from her tummy to her back today so she has now gone both directions all by herself, now we have to baby proof the house b/c she is on the move!!!
Caught on Video
It's been hard to get Video of Juliet rolling b/c she does it randomly but here it is :)
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Rolling, rolling, rolling
So Juliet has been trying REALLY hard for the last two days to roll :) She was even having a hard time napping and falling asleep at night because she kept trying to roll. She would go from her back to her side and get stuck there and today she finally got all the way over : ) She still seems confused on how to get from her belly to her back so that way may take longer for her, which is funny b/c babies are suppose to go from belly to back before they can go the other way. Oh well Juliet is going to do things differently!!!
I have had so much fun with her this week that I don't want to go back to work :( BOOOO.
We are going back to Pittsburgh tomorrow for New Years! Juliet is going going to be an expert travel baby :)
I have had so much fun with her this week that I don't want to go back to work :( BOOOO.
We are going back to Pittsburgh tomorrow for New Years! Juliet is going going to be an expert travel baby :)
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Holiday's & Other fun stuff
Our first Christmas with Juliet was WONDERFUL!!! The holidays were so much fun with a baby & we were able to make our rounds to visit lots of people. Juliet finally got to meet her Uncle Scott, baby Miranda, Ursula, Jess, Robby, Aunt Helen, Allison, John, Madison & other friends of the family :)
Here are some pictures and video's of our holidays and other adventures we have been having with Juliet.
Here Juliet is meeting baby Miranda for the first time, she gently laid her hand on Miranda's tummy, I guess she remembers what it's like to be a new born and have all those gas pains.
Meeting Ursula for the first time (she was in love!)
On the Rocking Horse that John's dad made him for his first Christmas, now it's being passed down to her.
Christmas in Pittsburgh & hanging with her cool Aunt and Uncle
Meeting Cousin Allison for the first time, she thought Allison was pretty entertaining!
Friday, December 17, 2010
4 Months :)
John took Juliet to her four month doctors appointment today and she has GROWN a lot since the last time they took her measurements. Here are her stats ;)
She is 13 pounds and 10 ounces & 24.25 inches long, which puts her in the 75% for height and 50% for weight! At two months I think she was in the 25% for both so she has done some growing. My little lady is getting so big fast before we know it she will be 6 months old.
Juliet also got her shots at the doctors and didn't even cry (she is a tough cookie!) & Juliet also suffers from dry skin :( so we have to use this special cream on her and cut back on her baths (which are a part of her bedtime routine) so I hope she still goes to sleep at night without them, since she LOVES her baths so much. Other than that she is a healthy little girl :)
We are off to Pittsburgh for the weekend and I will post picture when we get back! Wish us luck, this is the farthest we have traveled with the baby.
She is 13 pounds and 10 ounces & 24.25 inches long, which puts her in the 75% for height and 50% for weight! At two months I think she was in the 25% for both so she has done some growing. My little lady is getting so big fast before we know it she will be 6 months old.
Juliet also got her shots at the doctors and didn't even cry (she is a tough cookie!) & Juliet also suffers from dry skin :( so we have to use this special cream on her and cut back on her baths (which are a part of her bedtime routine) so I hope she still goes to sleep at night without them, since she LOVES her baths so much. Other than that she is a healthy little girl :)
We are off to Pittsburgh for the weekend and I will post picture when we get back! Wish us luck, this is the farthest we have traveled with the baby.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
3 1/2 Months
Juliet visited her friend Annalise last weekend and they had a great time together! Only three weeks apart and both cute as can be :)
December 7th 2009 - Is when John and I found out I was pregnant with Juliet (well back them we didn't know what she was!) but I can not believe it's been a year since I have known about my little lady! I can not picture my life without her and couldn't be happier.
She changes so much every day :) she now laughs almost every day (I guess I'm pretty funny) and is still trying to work on things like rolling over, she gets about half way over but can't seem to make that final push yet! It's cute to watch her try. Juliet has also been getting better at holding things and grabbing her toys, she a pro at that now ;) Music time with Mommy is also now one of her favorite things, finally someone will listen to me sing!!! It's great.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Juliet's first Thanksgiving and Christmas Tree
We play a new game with Juliet, we stick out our tongue and then she sticks out hers!
Decorating the Christmas tree!

Daddy showing Juliet the TERRIBLE TOWEL!
We had a very lovely Thanksgiving :) Juliet was awake most the day b/c she was so excited that her grandma Barb was here and her friend Finn and Zoe were at Thanksgiving (Juliet really loves other kids!)
We also decorated the Christmas tree over the weekend and she loves to look at the tree and smile, I think she is in the holiday spirit.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Happy Three Months Juliet :)
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
12 weeks already????
I will try and keep up with this blog but may be a little busy with work and adjusting so I will do my best, I think Juliet will love to look at this when she gets older!
Juliet keeps getting better and better at napping and sleeping and is fully in her crib & I think she likes her room now! for the last three days she has gone to sleep promptly at 7:30PM and wakes at 7:30 am (with two night feeding around 2:30am and 6AM) The best part is I am now putting her down sleep but awake and she is putting herself to sleep! This saves a lot of time rocking her to sleep :)
Doctor's appointment: Juliet had her 3 month appoint for her shots and they weighted her and she was 11 pounds and 11 ounces! The doc said that was really good and she is gaining weight like she should.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
11 Weeks :)
Juliet hair looks reddish to me in this picture! Love my Pumpkin Head :)

Our Cute Little Bunny all Dressed up for Halloween!

Sleep: Another worry I have about going back to work is the lack of sleep. Juliet is getting way more predictable in her sleep patterns but still is not sleeping totally through the night. She goes to sleep around 7:30 or 8PM and wakes up around 2AM, goes back to sleep within 20 minutes, wakes up at 5:30AM, goes back to sleep within 20 minutes, and then wakes up for good around 8:30 AM. So not too bad but I wish I could get it so she only wakes up once in the night, twice is hard sometimes b/c I will have trouble going back to sleep at least one of the two times she gets me up. Oh well!!! She is getting better and better.
Naps: I am also working on getting Juliet to nap longer than 30 minutes and for the past two days she has take at least one long 2 hour nap!!! 2 hour naps are amazing and it helps me get things done around the house, plus she is so much more happy and playful when she gets good naps in during the day.
Juliet still loves her play mat the best during the day and loves grabbing her animals and moving around. Tummy time is still a very unhappy time for Juliet and she can only handle being on her tummy for a few minutes at a time or she will start to cry :( I try my best to get in her tummy time but it's hard when she hates it too much! She is such a happy baby and even happier when she gets good sleep during the day and night. I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful baby!!! Being a mom is the best :)
Friday, October 29, 2010
DOUBLE DIGITS - I'm 10 weeks

Wednesday, October 20, 2010
2 months old!

Little Juliet turned 2 months old yesterday and was greeted by a cold :( She had a runny nose and was congested but did not act sick at all, she smiled the day away and is feeling much better after having the dehumidifier run all night! It was so hard to see my baby sick even if she was a good sport about the whole thing but I guess this is the first of many times my heart will break for my baby :( John had a cold Friday night and passed it to me which I then passed to Juliet so the whole family was sick but we are all getting better and feeling good now.
Active weekend last weekend: We had an active weekend last weekend. Juliet got to visit with her godfather and uncle Brian. He was up for the weekend b/c we were running in the Baltimore Marathon Relay last Saturday. Our team did great and we all ran our parts in 9 to 10 minute miles. Not too bad for Brian's first race and my first race after having a baby! I was so proud of everyone.
This weekend: Is the first time I will be away from Juliet :( Both John and I are part of a bridal party in a wedding for our friends Dan and Ruth so we are going up to Harrisburg for the weekend to take part in the celebration and Juliet is spending quality time with her Gram-ma Barb. She is coming to our house and staying the weekend with Juliet and I know she will be in good hands but I'm going to miss her so much!!! It will be really hard for me to leave... Still don't know if I can do it but since I am in the wedding I kind of have to!
Juliet is getting more and more active during the day everyday and is doing great! She is the best and I have never been happier :)
Thursday, October 14, 2010
8 weeks
Juliet having fun during Bath Time!
Juliet's 2 month doctor's visit: Juliet was 10 pounds 1 ounce at her doctor's visit today & 22 inches & her head was 14 3/4 inches... All of these measurements were in the 25th percentile. I asked my mom to check my baby book to see what I weighted around the same time and she said at 6 weeks I was 11 pounds and 23 inches! I was a chunk, ha ha! Little Juliet also got her first shot and only cried for a few seconds before she forgot all about it so I'm glad it didn't cause her too much pain :(
She is in her Crib (sort of!): for the last 5 days Juliet has been sleeping in her crib for at least most of the night, around 4 AM if I'm tired I take her into our room!!! She was sleeping 4 or 5 hour stretches when she was in our room but now with the switch she sleeps at most 3 hours at a time :( but I think in a few more days she will get used to her room and start to sleep longer (hopefully!) But at least I don't have to work right now so I just hope within 4 weeks she starts to sleep longer. Getting me up only once a night would be great!
She is so much fun: Since about 5 weeks she has started to smile and play for longer periods each day. Right now she will play and smile on her play mat for at least 45 minutes at a time. It so fun to watch her discover she can grab and hit her toys and the way she smiles at me when I talk to her. We love play time!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
7 Weeks
My Mommy finally got a picture of me holding up my head!!! Look how strong I am everyone :)

One of Juliet's smiling pictures :) We are getting a ton of smiles now and each time it melts my heart. She is such an active and alert baby!!! So much so that she does not sleep as much as a newborn should (have to really work at making her nap!). It's great to see her so alert but hard not to get much sleep. But her cuteness makes up for my sleepiness.
Look how big she is getting, Quest the cat used to be soooo much bigger than Juliet now they are about the same length!

Here Juliet is grabbing her "Friends" I call her toys and her mobile animals her friends because she will smile and stare at them for a long time. She is starting to "play" and can spend 30 minutes or more have fun on her activity mat. She can also hold her head up really well during tummy time but unfortantly Juliet does not like tummy time very much. But Juliet does LOVE her baths and smiles lots during bath time.

Here Juliet is grabbing her "Friends" I call her toys and her mobile animals her friends because she will smile and stare at them for a long time. She is starting to "play" and can spend 30 minutes or more have fun on her activity mat. She can also hold her head up really well during tummy time but unfortantly Juliet does not like tummy time very much. But Juliet does LOVE her baths and smiles lots during bath time.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
6 weeks old
Big Girl Crib: I am trying to get Juliet to sleep in her crib now that she is 6 weeks (so big!) but it's not going so well... Right now she is in her Rock & Play sleeper that is next to our bed but I want her to be able to sleep in her room so I have been trying to put her down in her crib each night but she wakes up about 15 minutes after we put her down crying :( She sleeps fine next to our bed (at least a 4 or 5 hour at a time) I have also tried to put her down in her crib for naps but she wakes up the second I set her down in the crib and is very upset. She does love to fall asleep in my arms while we are dancing to music in her room but then my arms get tired and I want to put her down in a bed but so far it's not working! Hopefully she will get used to it and I will keep trying. If anyone has any suggestions, I'm all ears :) PS. I have tried swaddling and she "breaks out" of her swaddle!
MY Doctors: I went for my post birth 6 week check up and the Midwife says I'm all healed from childbirth :) So I have the green light to do most all activities!
More Smiles :) Juliet has smiled from birth here and there but it seems like her smiles were pretty random, like she smiled as she was falling asleep or for no reason that I could tell. But this morning when she woke me up, I turned to her and said "Good Morning bright eyes!" and she gave me this big smile on her face like she was happy to see me, it made my heart melt!
Growing Pains: I think Juliet had a growth spurt earlier this week b/c all of sudden she is super long and I'm not sure when it happened. She is getting so big I can't wait to go to the doctors and she how much she weights and how long she is. She fits into 3 month sleepers already!!! I think she will grow up to be very tall and very athletic b/c she is so strong. She is holding her head up very well during tummy time and moving it from side to side.
Road Trip: Our first road trip with Juliet went really well :) We went to NJ to visit our friends Travis, Beth, and their new baby Annalise (she is three weeks old) It was also easy to go to someones house with a baby b/c if we forgot anything they had it for us! She was also good in the car, she would sleep for about two hours straight in the car before waking up and wanting food or attention (good thing we only had a car ride a little over two hours)
Little Juliet's Personality: I was reading this thing on babies personalities and I took a quiz (ha ha! I know I'm silly) but here are the results: (I think the full of energy part is b/c I told the quiz she fights sleep!!!)
What can you expect for your baby? She will be very popular. She will not have any problems making friends. She is fun, optimistic, and full of energy. She may not be the most organized person but she thinks well on her feet. She likes to see everyone get along and may meddle in other people's relationships in her attempt to keep the peace. She is outgoing and not afraid of meeting new people. In school, she is likely to be in the drama club, on a sports team, or involved in the yearbook committee. She enjoys gossiping and takes pride in the fact that people trust her to tell her their secrets. She likes to give out advice even though her advice is not always the best. Even though she is very popular, she is very insecure. She likes to be praised by others and will seek out people that give her attention. She will likely pursue a career working with people. She would be miserable if she had to work in a cubicle with nobody to talk to. She may be indecisive when picking a career. She may try more than one job before she settles on one she likes. Career choices may include waiter, journalist, teacher, nurse/health professional, flight attendant, or sales representative.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
I'm 5 weeks old :)
Like my red hat?

Hey Everyone! It's pretty crazy that Juliet has been in our life for 5 weeks b/c it feels like she has always been here. Life sure does change once you have a baby, and people are right... It's the hardest job you will ever LOVE!
This weekend: John and I are going up to New Jersey to see our friends who have a two week old baby and Juliet's future friend. So it will be our first weekend trip with the baby... I'll let everyone know how it goes, I'm a little scared! ha ha.
Good days & Bad days: Juliet has days when she does not cry at all and days where she is very grumpy and it hard to figure out what she needs. But each week gets better as I start to learn more and more about her! She is awesome and as long as she does not have gas bubbles stuck in her or hungry she is a really happy baby.
Baby outings: I am starting to take Juliet to more places, like to the mall to meet friends and to places I have to go during the day like Target. I am starting to get used to her schedule but I worry about her crying and getting hungry while we are out :( so it's a little stressful but I'm getting better at it and anticipating her needs and bringing everything I will need while I'm out in case she needs changed or gets hungry. I truly believe taking a baby out it's an art form and something you have to get used to!
Vacation: We have booked our first vacation in St. Lucia after the baby!!! It will be the last week of May 2011 and I'm so excited. Thanks to Mommy Collins for giving us a timeshare and thanks to my parents for watching her while we are gone. We are excited to be able to get away together for a little adult time. I truly believe everyone needs a vacation at least once a year :)
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