Thursday, July 28, 2011

Is MY baby really almost a year old?

 In a little over three weeks Juliet will be a year old! CRAZY!

 Giving Daddy Kisses
 Juliet loves hugging, even pillows!

We have been having lots of fun and the summer is going sooooo fast! Juliet has another word to add to her vocab... CAT! Her first word (if you count it) was Mama, then she said Da da, then Na Na, now she points at our cats and says cat, so cute!

Juliet also enjoys throwing the ball back and forth, here is video of her throwing the ball to us. The next video is of Juliet walking, she has gotten really good at it and can go pretty far.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

11 Months!


 Forget walking Juliet has started to RUN! ha ha. She is so crazy and has started to run when we play chase. She walks now about half the time and crawls the other half. Such a BIG girl. I feel like she is not a baby anymore but a toddler, not ready for that.
 Happy Girl :)
 Juliet loves her fruit! Blueberry's are her new favorite. Baby food is pretty much a thing of the past. Juliet wants real food now! She loves to pick up her own food and feed herself. Miss Independent.
 I turned 32 last weekend! And we spent my Birthday at Beth's house where Annalise and Juliet could play and have fun, it was a fun time :) Juliet loves her friends and gives Annalise lots of hugs. Annalise is so sweet and gives kisses to Juliet. Awwww


Sunday, July 10, 2011

4th of July and 1st trip up in the AIR!

We spent 4th of July with our friends Beth and Travis and Juliet had a ton of fun playing with all the babies and kids at the party

 Juliet also loved the dog at the party and he was very good with kids and just licked toes and hands
 Uncle Dan was a big hit! Juliet went right over to him and gave him a hug. These days we get lots of hugs from Juliet because she is becoming a cuddle monster :)

Getting over a cold and needing big hugs from daddy, she is so cute right?
 Juliet's first airplane ride, she was so good on the way to Indiana and slept the whole fight right in my arms. I was really worried since she was just getting over a cold but the trip was great.

 Visiting her great Grammy and having lots of fun trying new foods in restaurants this trip. I have learned that Juliet likes just about anything and is NOT a picky eater at all, hope that does not change! She liked all the new veggies and fish that I gave her among other things. Juliet also tries to feed the people around her and share her food, which I think is sweet :)

 On the airplane fight back to Baltimore, she did not sleep this time but didn't cry either. She protested a few times b/c she wanted to run away and explore the plane but when we gave her her own big girl seat and started to read books she relaxed and was quite for most of the fight (got giggly towards the end but that is better than crying)