Wednesday, October 19, 2011

14 Months

Hanging out with Quest the Cat. Juliet still gives him lots of love and kisses and he tolerates it! She has also learned how to meow!!! ha ha.
Defiant face! Juliet has learned how to say no and shake her head no. She does this the most at meal times when she does not want to eat something. She has become pretty picky. Right now she is on a meat strike. Fruit please!

She is so silly and wants to be a grown up already, she likes to try on mommy's clothes, so silly!

Big Smiles! Juliet has A LOT of teeth coming in and it looks like they hurt b/c they are tearing through the gums, poor little lady

Juliet is very into feeding the cats in the morning and giving them treats!

Having a snack! Juliet loves to feed other also, she takes her sippy cup around the house and will feed everything... The cat, Mommy, her stuffed animals, so cute! When we go to bed at night and brush her teeth she will take the tooth brush and brush all her stuffed animals teeth, it makes me laugh every time.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

What we have been up to

What's new with Juliet?
She is starting to use a spoon to eat not just using her hands to feed herself, it's a little messy but very cute!
She has a few new words... Apple and up!
She loves being a big girl and enjoys sitting in her chair in her room all by herself
Juliet is down to one nap a day which is in the middle of the day
Everytime she sees a cow in a book she says MOOOOOOO!
Juliet loves to help around the house (this may not last) and when I ask her to put her clothes in the hamper or throw something away for me (like a leaf that is on the floor) she gets so excited to help with these little tasks
My Little Diva!

 Lots of Hugs for Mr. Quest

 The only Hat Juliet will wear, a CAT hat!

 Texting my friends already