Thursday, January 26, 2012

Happy 17 months (a little late!)

Juliet learned how to say the word "snow" and loved to watch it snow! She would not stand on it or touch it when we were outside but she loved to put the snowflakes on her tongue when it was falling from the sky. She is so particular, I never know what to expect with her :) Juliet is really enjoying doing puzzles lately, she is doing so good at getting all the puzzle pieces in the puzzle all by herself. My favorite new words Juliet is saying are "hungry" and "Oh No!" When we get up in the morning I say do you want to eat blueberries (her favorite) and she says "eat, eat, eat, Blues!!!!" Then I say "lets get in you seat" to which Juliet replies "Eat, Seat, HUNGRY!" So cute. The "Oh No" comes out of Juliet's mouth every time she does not like something or does not want to do something. Ha ha.

Big shoes Juliet!

In my new BIG girl Car seat

All of our eating sessions are a big mess!

Who is that? A look back at how much Juliet has grow... She was only 3 months old here.

And a look back at Juliet as a newborn!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Picture's of what we have been up to

Juliet is so funny! The newest cute things she does is to say "Thank You" (and says it so clearly!!!) every time I do something for her like pick up her cup and give back to her or give her a her a toy. Such good manners, hope it stays that way!

We got dressed up for Steelers Sunday a week ago only to be very sad that they did not make the next round of the playoffs :(

Daddy taking Juliet on the Merry Go Round but Juliet will not get on the horses, she is scared of them I think, but keeps saying Horse! Horse!

Juliet's nanny sent me this picture of Juliet in her Ball Pit that the nanny Ms. Amanda got her for Christmas, love the static hair!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Sick little girl :(

We had to pick up Juliet from Thursday day care today because she was running a 102 fever and ended up having an ear infection but is now feeling much better after she got on antibiotics. We also got a progress report from Mrs. Karissa about all the stuff Juliet is learning! I'm so impressed with how much she is learning these days.

Hi Rachel,
I am hoping little Juliet is resting and getting better. On a side note, Juliet is really talking here and I want you to know all the things she is learning and saying, which you probably know most, but sometimes it's nice to hear she shows it off a little. here are a few things from today.
* Tall and short, she has mastered tall!! Tall castle, Tall blocks!
* Big and Little,
* Count from 1 to 5 and know how many she has in her hand "two balls"
* Colors, she can say them all to me and knows well purple, blue and pink
*We are really starting to talk about shapes and she knows circle and heart.
Lots more but these were some of the highlights!! Also when we built I always say "CRASH BOOM" when we wreck it and she has totally picked that up as well!! It sounds hysterical when she says it!
Good Luck and see you next week!!
I cam send you these every so often if you want, it always is nice to hear good things about your own little one!!
Take Care

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Nice weather in January

We have been enjoying the 50 & 60 degree weather this month with lots of trips to the park :)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

15 month check up at 16 1/2 months & putting words together

I finally got Juliet to her 15 month doctors appointment, it was only a month & half late! Her statistics are she is 23 pounds and 32 inches long! She jumped from the 50th percentile in height to the 80th percentile in height. The doctor said she had a pretty good growth spurt. On weight she is in the 60th percentile which is about the same as last time, her head sizes also still in the 50th percentile. She also Hates the doctor!!! She cries and freaks out the second she sees our doctor, I think because she remembers he is the one that gives her shots :(

Juliet is also doing some new stuff she is now put the words together. She says things like up please, more cookies, Mommy bye bye, and me up! I don't even know how many words she can say but she says a lot it's so fun to listen to her start speaking so much :)

Christmas & New Years

We had a great Christmas this year in Pittsburgh! We had Christmas Eve dinner at Uncle BC and Aunt Missy's house and I got to see their beautiful new house. Juliet really enjoyed feeding her uncle Brian puffs and was very interested in the dogs. She got brave enough to pet Macy Brown :) We Spent Christmas at Grandma Ba Ba's house and then went to a family friends for dinner where Juliet got to play with lots of kids, she was loving it! I think by the end of the trip she became a professional present opener because she was opening presents for a week straight.

New Year's was a blast this year! We had four babies at the beach and six couple. last time we were at the beach Juliet hated the sand and love the ocean! But this time she loved it all was playing in the sand and really wanted to go into the ocean but it was to cold. The kids played really well together there were some small fights over toys but learning to share is something the kids are working on! It was overall a wonderful time :)

Here are some pictures from Christmas & New Years