Off to walk my baby... |
Fun with a box! |
In mommy's coat |
Love my Piggy bank and putting coins in it |
Ms. Amanda - My first Nanny that has been taking care of me since I was 3 months old! |
Juliet is changing and growing so much every day, here is Juliet's top 5 list of new things she's doing:
1. She pooped in the potty for the first
time! My friend Krissie gave us her hand me down potty a few weeks ago and I thought she was too young for it. But Juliet started wanting to sit on it and before bath time she was grunting a little so I asked her she wanted to go on her potty and she did. I don't think she'll be truly potty trained for a while but it was pretty exciting for Juliet to be a big girl :)
2. Juliet's new favorite word is happy she runs around the house screaming happy happy happy!!!
3. Juliet has started reading some of her picture books to me just the ones with simple pictures like a house or an egg! But I'm learning that she knows words that I didn't even know she knew.
4. With this warm weather in the winter one of Juliet favorite activities is go to go outside play with dirt and sticks and watch other kids at the park.
5. Juliet has learned how to jump. If you ask Juliet to jump so get down on all fours and then jump up! Only about half the time will her feet actually leave the ground sometime she jumps with just her arms but it's still pretty cute