She built this all by herself, looks like a house, ha ha!
Juliet has be so active lately and very verbal, she knows so many works and is making two word statements all the time like "love you" "more cheese" "all done" "Clean up" "see ya" (love when she says see ya when we leave for work!) She is also imitating everything, she will take john's work bag and say "bye bye" and walk towards the door. When we ask, "Juliet where are you going?" She says "work!" She has most of her basic shapes down and how to say them, she knows circle, square, oval, triangle, rectangle, heart, and star. She knows some colors like pink, purple, black and blue. She points at anything pink in the house and says "Pink!" So I think that is her favorite color. It amazes me how much she learns every day. Juliet is also going through a protesting bedtime stage. When we ask her if she wants to go to bed she simply says "NO" and then when we start reading her bed time books she keeps asking for "more books, more books" we read to her for over a half an hour or more before bedtime. Another random thing: Juliet is obsessed with is any kind of ball (our little jock!). She can count to three if you prompt her with saying one, she will say two three :) |