Monday, November 12, 2012

Happy Halloweeen

Enjoy all the pre-halloween, Halloween, and post Halloween pictures!

Juliet is getting excited for Christmas

Juliet has been really good about going on the Potty and has stayed pretty dry for the last three days... Now poops are another story!

The "real" Halloween!

Juliet has been busy with Halloween this past month and into November b/c she got to celebrate 3 times! In this picture she is off to pre-school to have a Halloween party at school. Some of her newest phrases are "two more couple minutes" she says this whenever we are doing something fun and she wants to delay leaving or stopping the activity. She is also starting to really use descriptive words. She told John last night. "you did the puzzle perfect!" ha ha. And she has also been known to say things like "this is going to be wonderful" or "this is going to be fun" it's so cute when she gets excited about stuff.

Juliet loves her school so much she starts on whatever activity they are doing and sometimes is too busy even to say bye to me!

Dress a little nerdy today!

Daddy has already taught Juliet to love the Steelers

We visited Beth, Travis, and Annalise for Juliet's third Halloween trip in early November

Here are the two cuties trick or treating!

Juliet, Daddy, and I made sure we voted!

Still warm enough to play on the Trampoline some days

We recently had friendsgiving where Elizabeth and Juliet showed up dressed alike!

All the kids at Friendsgiving!