Thursday, June 27, 2013

33 weeks

7 weeks to go (if I go close to my due date) maybe 8 if I go past! I have been very tired lately with this pregnancy but trying to chug along. It’s harder to move now that I’m bigger but I’m trying to still walk and keep active as much as I can. Juliet says she is very excited for her baby brother and I hope that she continues to be excited after he is born and taking some of her mommy’s attention away. Juliet has started taking dance and Yoga and likes them both. We still have her in Gymnastics so she is in three activities a week! Seems like a lot but so far she likes them all.  

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

J for Juliet

Juliet can write the letter J! Here is her picture of her J and the circle she made :)

32 week sonogram

We got to take a look at the baby today! He is going great and about 4 pounds already :) I am in the 50th-75th % for baby weight so I think I am going to get another 8 pound baby!!! Nice and healthy. He is also still a boy for sure and his head is down in the right position for when I go into labor. 

While I'm writing, here is a cute little Juliet story... We were driving home from pre-school and she said "I want to hear the song call me maybe" which plays on the radio sometimes but I had no idea she knew the name of the song. Ha ha. She is funny! 

Thursday, June 13, 2013

31 weeks

I have an ultrasound next Wednesday the 19th to check on the growth of the baby! I'm so excited to see him again :) I'll give the update next week but I have been feeling good and super hungry lately!!! The baby's fat is going to come in the last nine week (yea single digit weekly count down) baby CJ is about three pound and very actively moving around. 

Thursday, June 6, 2013

30 weeks

3/4's of the way there!!! I just scheduled family pictures for Sunday July 7th so there should be some good ones of my belly by then :) Juliet and I have been having a blast going to the pools after work (when it's warm enough) and hanging out more since my work days are lighter! Love the summers & glad she will get all my attention this summer.

Oh wow I carry so High! I don't think Juliet ever dropped... Which is why I pushed for 2 hours! 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Forgot 29 weeks!

I forgot to post pictures of my belly at twenty-nine weeks but here are some photos from over the weekend where u can see my big bump! We had a girls trip to deep creek :)

Also below is Juliet at Finn's b-day party and having fun at the pool!!!! She is my little fish and loves to slash around in the water.