It's been a rainy and a cold spring but we have still be having fun! I don't mind since I know it will get hot and humid here in Maryland any minute. Juliet and Caleb take swim lessons at the CA pools and Juliet did her first Junior striders programs this spring and loves it. I have made the Howard county race team and the photo below is my first race representing the team. I won!!! It had a mother/daughter category so maybe next year Juliet can run it with me! We only have a few more weeks of school left for Caleb and a little over a month before Juliet is done. She will be going into 1st grade, I can't believe it. Here are some picture of our fun spring.
WDF 5k 5/14/16
Caleb at preschool - he is a little obsessed with BATMAN! ha ha. Only wants to wear superhero shirts :)
At Clydes 10K
We can't forget about YODA
Caleb learning big jumps while his sister is at dance class
It's an election year! Let's get out there and vote #noTrumpPlease
My dad cheering me on at pikes peek
Caleb's preschool field trip to the farm
Beth and Trav's visit to our house! The girls and the boys played famously
Caleb falling asleep at Shan's house, I guess he is not ready to skip a nap yet...