Juliet lost her first tooth on May 29, 2016 it was a really super wiggly when we were at uncle B C's cabin and then when we got home she had a cracker and cheese snack and accidentally ate the tooth!!! The tooth fairy came even though she didn't have a physical tooth & have her 10 dollars!!!
Caleb has lots of feelings he is often talking about how happy mad or sad he is or anyone else in the family! He tells me often he is "happy" & sissy is "sad"
(Even if she is not!). He also talks about choo-choo trains a lot and paw patrol and superheroes because he is secretly Batman 😮
Juliet wanted me to tell the blog that she is a really really good artist and she's making a very cool painting right now. Juliet also has two more weeks of kindergarten and then she graduates to first grade... wow!!!
Caleb wanted me to tell the blog that he is a silly Willy and he often makes jokes in Philly sounds is a very much an actor and comedian, ha ha!