We spend the weekend cleaning and doing chores but in true Collins Family fashion we had to have some fun. We went to climb zone on Memorial Day and had some climbing fun! We also spent some time running and cooking out with friends.
Monday, May 29, 2017
Memorial Day weekend fun
Thursday, May 25, 2017
Hip hop dance show
Juliet busted a move at her hip-hop dance show this past weekend. She is not yet sure if she's going to continue dance but she had fun this year with the hip-hop class. Barb was in town so we also enjoyed some adult time without the kids. We went to wine in the woods with my friend Tiff and her husband. Then on Sunday Ericka had us over for some yummy crab's
Monday, May 15, 2017
A lovely Mother's Day
For Mother's Day this year I went on a 10 mile run with a few friends, went to the Robinson nature center with the kids, and then had my parents over for a cook out! It was a beautiful day out πΌπΈπΉπ·πΊ
Thursday, May 11, 2017
Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Is santa real?
Juliet asked me tonight if Santa was real or we just pretend to be Santa and get the presents for her and Caleb. She has been suspicious of Santa ever since she was a little kid so I'm not surprise she keeps asking questions. And it's hard for me to lie but I also doubt out right tell her Santa is not real. What's a mom to do!!!???
Juliet also has some crazy birthday request. She would like a hang glider for her birthday so that she can fly it to the rain forest and live there by herself, or with a friend, for two weeks. Caleb's birthday request is to get two more cats. One cat would be blue and his name would be "super swimmer". The other cat would be black and his name would be "face licker" πππ these kids make me laugh.
John and I were able to get away for a couple hours this weekend and do a cross country race in the vineyards and enjoy some beer and nachos afterwards ❤️ it's the little things!
Saturday, May 6, 2017
Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Morning cuddles
Caleb and I are always the first ones up! Juliet and John like to sleep in... this is how our morning typically looks, lots of cuddles
Tuesday, May 2, 2017
One like order and symmetry the other likes tape!
"Mom when is my tape going to get here?" This is often the questions I get from Juliet. She is always trying to invent something, make something, or sell something. she is like a mad scientist and her disorganization/creativity reminds me of myself sometimes. Maybe that's why it frustrates me that she never wants to clean up because I don't either! I mean someone should be cleaning right? Well that's when Caleb comes in the play, he often likes when things are neat and picked up. He's been building blocks a lot lately and he always seems to make them perfectly symmetric. He even went up to his room today and asked if he could play in it and then proceeded to clean it up and show me later. Hopefully he doesn't inherit the messy gene at any point that Juliet and I clearly have.