School started last week, and Juliet is going into second grade and has Ms. Cassara at veterans elementary school. She is very happy with her teacher and I've only heard good things about her. Caleb started school at Saint johns day school and has Miss cheuvont & miss funk. It took about a week for him to get used to school since it was a longer day and he was really tired. Hopefully he will get a hang of it it starts really love it.
Some other highlights to our start to September were that my cousin Jake got married to Laura and we attended the wedding. It was beautiful and we had fun, the kids stayed with Barb at home 🏡
Juliet started a field hockey clinic and Kangaroo Kids which is a jump rope program where they do fancy jump roping. Out of the two programs she said she likes the jump roping been the best! Caleb right now it's just in soccer and he started his clinic when we were away at my cousins wedding with starting this week john will be the coach for Caleb soccer.