
Weeks: 20 weeks today OR 5 months OR the halfway point to 40 weeks!
Our Little Girl: We had our ultrasound this morning and we could definitely see it was a girl! John was right all along and never thought for a second it was a boy. He kept saying... I can't wait till we find out we are having a little girl. How cute. I told him next time we will have a boy for him, ha ha. But we are both excited and the most important thing is that everything looks good. Her measurements are perfect (those were the ultrasound techs words!)
Tip of the week: Everyone should go get a massage! I have had my second prenatal massage and it is one of the greatest things in the world to help me relieve stress and relax. I plan to get one at least once a month until I deliver :) So how does a prego get a massage? I was expecting a table with the belly cut out so you could still lay on your stomach but nope... They have you lay on your side during the massage. It's definitely a different experience but totally worth it. FYI to all my prego friends you have to find a place that specializes in prenatal massages or they won't take you as a client if they know your pregnant. Ohhhhh and you have to be out of your first trimester before you can get a massage.
Cravings: It's strange I have not had one of those cravings yet that if I don't get something I will feel like the world may end. I have always imagined pregnancy as having intense cravings, you know the kind where you send you husband out on food runs all the time b/c you can't go another minute without pickles and ice cream. Fortunately for John he has had to make any crazy craving food runs yet. I do however sometimes get hungry and have a craving for nothing!!!! I just stare at the food in the house disinterested in anything we have (and we are fully stocked these days) in these instances I usually just end up eating a bagel. BUT I do crave SWEETS and SALTY things more then I did before (well not according to John, he thinks I ate that stuff all the time before also... Maybe I did????)
Dear McDonald's why do I love you!? Since I was talking about cravings I guess I should admit I go to McDonald's about 5 times a week! (sometimes twice a day) and I will get one or two of the the following foods: Fries, ice cream, an egg McMuffin sandwich (hold the meat!). I really don't feel bad about getting the ice cream or Egg McMuffin b/c at least there is some nutritional value for the baby in those items but I do feel guilty when I get fries more then once a week b/c that is pure junk food (unless someone can tell me something nutritional about fries to make me feel better)!!! Just to clarify... I NEVER feel guilty about eating and do it all the time I just sometimes feel guilty about eating things that are bad for the baby but taste sooooooo good to me.
My button won't button! So I realized this week that most of my pants won't button up anymore without causing me much discomfort! SO I just want to say thank god for belly bands they are getting much use now and make my pants so much more comfortable b/c I can just wear them now with my button undone and it's perfect! Summer is around the corner and I plan to live in stretchy skits so I don't have to worry about stupid buttons.
Weight gain: 10 pounds - Which I think is on target for the amount I should be gaining so that is good. The books I have say between 8-15 pounds.