Any final Guesses? We find out next week (hopefully!) the sex of the baby. John is still convinced the baby is a girl (and I have gone back and forth but still think it's a girl) But I won't be surprised if it's a boy b/c it is a 50/50 chance after all. According to our poll on this blogger the voters are guessing a girl too (10 to 9 in favor of a it being a girl).
How am I feeling? GREAT! I had a really easy week and I was able to walk outside almost everyday this week which mad me sooooo happy. I love to take walks with John when he gets home from work :) I am so in love with March because the weather has great. I am also excited for this weekend b/c it's my friend Beth's 30th birthday party and John and I get to see some friends that we have not seen in a while.
Doctor's appointment: Not much happened at my doctors appointment this morning, listened to the baby's heart beat (which I can do here all the time!) the heart rate was 140 which she said was normal and healthy. Baby was moving a lot so it took her sometime to get the heart rate. I have an active one! Other than that just had to get some blood work done.
Baby Bedding: Still undecided :( I want to look a little more and wait till next week to see if that sways my decision at all.
The way I eat: So I tend to eat about 100 small meals a day (never going more then 2 or so hours without eating!) and I just read that eating small meals often is much better for the baby then eating 3 huge meals during the day even if they are the same calories b/c the baby is getting a nutrients more regularly. I am not sure if John's birthday cake that we are still working on counts as a source of nutrition but I am going to pretend it does.
Realizing I can't do what I used to do: I went to the gym yesterday thinking I was going to a yoga class but read the schedule wrong and ended up in an interpretive dance class! It was fun and I love dance but I realized I just can't move as fast as I used to. I was having a hard time keeping up with the movements that were super fast and just ended up doing my own thing when I couldn't keep up (it was my interpretation!) The stretching at the end of class was hard for me to b/c my belly is now getting in the way when I bend forward (and in other directions) The second half of my pregnancy is going to be here next week so I guess I should expect this stuff but not sure how it went by so fast... I think this belly snuck up on me.
Weight Gain: 9 pounds! 2 pound weight gain this week (oh boy!) Hello double digits we will be getting acquainted soon :)
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