6 months from the side
I can't believe I have hit the 6 month mark!!! For some reason I feel like 6 months is a huge milestone in my pregnancy. I'm a little crazy and have read all the statistics on children that are born premature and starting at 24 weeks babies have a chance to live outside the womb b/c of lung development. I'm sure I am just worrying for no reason but let's hope Juliet stays put for a while she still had lots of growing to do :)
Stressful Busy week: So I have been in grad school forever but I am on track to graduate this May 2010 but before I graduate I have to take an exam that covers my classes I have taken at Towson. The only problem is I transferred some credits in so not all my classes were from towson (so I don't know the material as well as most). Plus I am about the only one in the program that also works full time b/c most of the students are right out of College and are lucky enough to have someone paying for them to go to school. So the bottom line is it was really hard to study for the Test that will determine if I graduate!!!!! I had the test on Friday and I don't think it went very well :( I will hopefully hear the results next week but I don't have a good feeling. The good news is if I "fail" I have one more chance to take it in a month... so all hope is not lost yet. It's just been a LONG road with grad school and I may freak out if one little test keeps me from graduating. So it's been a stressful week for me. Cross your fingers that I passed.
My Cravings this week: I had to have a frosty from Wendy's this week :) I rarely have super strong cravings but this one was pretty strong and the Frosty did not disappoint, it hit the spot. Which is kind of weird b/c I never really liked chocolate frosty's before.
My Belly Growth: I have gained 13 pounds so far but I think my Belly has expanded more then ever this last couple weeks (and my belly button is starting to look freaky!) Maybe more strangers will notice I'm prego??? My growing belly is also producing more and more kicking from Juliet, she is constantly practicing martial arts in my belly. I think I have a hyper one on my hands.
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