Monday, May 24, 2010

28 weeks

I have hit the 7 month mark! Time is flying :)
Computer issues: So I'm late in posting 28 weeks b/c my work computer decided to blow up and I have been without a computer since Wednesday. Thank goodness I have an Iphone to check e-mails!!! How did we ever live without all this technology... Or maybe it's a bad thing that I'm so attached to my e-mail. Who knows what Juliet will have in the future technology wise.

Beach weekends:
I have had two lovely beach weekends in a row and have been able to enjoy sun and ice cream :) It has been nice to relax on the beach with friends and have good dinners out. Might as well enjoy it while I can.

The Scale Does Not Lie:
Unless John has been messing with it. So I had a minor freak out earlier this week when I went to weigh myself and I had lost 3 pounds. Here is what happened, I weighted myself and went from 16 pounds to 13 pounds, so I call John and this is how the conversation went:

R: John, I think I should call the doctor. There is something wrong with Juliet. I just got on the scale and I lost three pounds. So I think she has stopped growing.
J: I'm sure it's just water weight you lost, no need to freak out. It was hot last week and this week it's cool so I'm sure it is just water weight you lost.
R: I don't think so, three pounds is a lot. I'm going to call the doctor.
J: Well... Okay, I have a confession.
R: What????
J: I changed the scale so it would read that you weighted less then you really do.
R: You did what? Why in the world would you do that????
J: I wanted you to feel skinny.

Moral of the story:
I love you John BUT no women in their right mind wants to lose weight when they are pregnant, even to "Feel Skinny!" Silly boys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My real weight gain now that the scale is set back to ZERO is 15 pounds. John changed it two weeks in a row, the first week he set it the wrong way so I thought I had gained two pounds when I had really probably gained about pound that week (gaining two pounds was a much better feeling then thinking I had lost three pounds!)


  1. Aww! The dialogue made me all teary-eyed! That was still sweet of him to try to make you feel skinny! You look fabulous by the way!

  2. bwah ha ha. John is so funny! I miss you guys tons!
