Birthing Class: We starting our 5 week birthing class last Wednesday and out of about 16 couples we were the only one's that apparently didn't read directions before coming to class b/c WE were the ONLY couple that did not bring out pillow and blankets for "floor work" You may be asking what is floor work? Well it's actually kind of nice so far, they had John and I lay on the floor and then John was instructed on the best way to massage me during labor. So pretty much floor work has been me getting a 20 minute massage from John, which I told him we have to practice every night so that we get it right when the time comes. Other then the lovely massage I have not learned much from birthing class so far. We learned about the women's anatomy but I already knew all that stuff since.... a) I'm a women & b) I have been reading up on the child birth process.
Pittsburgh Shower: I just wanted to thank everyone again who came to the lovely shower last weekend and those who couldn't make it you were very missed! The food at the restaurant was SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YUMMY :) It made baby and I very happy to be surrounded with such love. I truly appreciate everything everyone has done for us. XOXOXOXO to all of you!
Water is my NEW friend: So I finally tried Water Aerobics this week and I loved it!!!! Since it's been so hot out, walking outside has been a challenge (not to mention walking it's self is becoming increasingly hard!) My gym actually had a ton of different classes I want to try, the one I took this week was water kickboxing which was fun and I felt so weightless in the water plus I got a great workout without it being too intense. There is even a Zumba water class which I want to try next week, dancing in the water? Why not!
Getting down and dirty: With Diapers! I am trying to figure out what I'm going to do about diapers, I would love to go retro and use cloth diapers for the most part just because it better for the environment (not b/c I love to do laundry everyday) but I worry about being a full time working mom and having time for all of that laundry so I am going to learn more about it and see if I can at least cloth diaper 75% of the time. I also found out there is a service that will bring you clean cloth diapers and you give them your dirty one's and they do all the laundry! I'm sure I won't figure this out till I have a baby and see what works for me so stay tuned for the exciting outcome of this diaper saga.
The Good & the Bad: My favorite part of the third trimester is feeling the baby move all the time and know that I get to meet her soon! I feel like she is so big and can actually hear me now so it's been a good time for bonding with the baby and talking to her. The hardest part for me right now is having to slow down. Things just are not as easy anymore with my belly getting bigger, if I drop something it a chore just to bend down and pick it up! I also get major calf cramps in the middle of the nights that I have to get out of bed and walk around to get ride of. But I really hate to complain b/c slowing down has not been that bad (it's kind of nice to relax a little) & I feel pretty good for the most part. I have not even had heart burn that I hear most women get in the third trimester. I still have 7 weeks left so who know what I will experience towards the end.
Our Growth: So I read that Juliet is suppose to gain a 1/2 a pound a week for the next month!!! WOW :) I am at about 17 pounds for my weight gain. Oh and for the poll on the baby's weight, John was around 8 1/2 pounds as a newborn and I was a little shy of hitting the 8 pound mark when I was born. And in regards if I go early or late (crossing my fingers I go a little early!) It's hot in August, well it's hot now but still... Not sure if they say you follow what your mom did but my mom had my older brother two weeks early and had me two weeks late. So I guess anything could happen.