30 weeks
Thanks again to BOTH our parents for getting our furniture for us :) It looks great!
Part of our new Bathroom!
John Working Hard!
John Practicing changing diapers! ha ha.
Memorial Day Weekend: This weekend has been spent vacationing the past few years but this year we worked on our house the whole weekend! I guess I am officially nesting :) John has been great with doing home repairs all by himself and setting up the babies furniture. So far we have remodeled our downstairs bathroom. I was project director, which means I picked out everything and John was on the hard labor duty (b/c my hard labor is not for another 10 weeks!) We also had people come in an re-carpet most of our house & we are starting to get the babies room together. Lots of work but totally worth it!
YEA SHANNON :) I had the privilege of meeting another new baby this past Wednesday, Elizabeth Marie Diamond! My friend Shannon had a little girl on Tuesday June 1st and she is the cutest little thing. Everyone is healthy and happy & I love that all my friends are sharing the details on labor & delivery so I won't be totally in the dark when it's my turn.
Summer & being pregnant: I was never looking forward to being pregnant in the summer b/c I hate the cold and the extreme heat. I think I was meant to live in 75 degree weather all year long but don't really want to move all the way to California, so I guess I am stuck with the extreme heat this year. So I am going to focus on the positives to make myself feel better... So my top 5 list for why being pregnant in the summer rocks.
1. My work - Is the lightest in the summer b/c schools are out so most the summer I will be working from home
2. The clothes - I will have to buy less maternity cloths b/c I plan to live in target's babydoll dress all summer
3. Pools - I plan to slash around in my maternity bathing suit
4. Farmers Markets - I can load up on the fruits and veggies Juliet needs
Baby OR tape worm? Okay I know it's a baby but sometimes she feels like a little tapeworm eating up everything I put in my mouth. I have been so hungry lately. I usually feel fine if I eat small meals every 3 to 4 hours but this past week I feel like I can't go an hour with out being hungry. Also, the last three nights I have woken up starving and had to eat in the middle of the night. She is acquiring her baby fat right now so I guess it's her way of telling me she would like to pack on the pounds to get ready for delivery :)
Weight gain: 16 pounds
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