Tuesday, August 17, 2010

At the doctors again!!!

Oh man this overdue stuff is a bit of a roller coaster ride! So this morning I thought my water broke but I was wrong :(

Here is what happened: At 7am in the morning before I got into the shower I felt a gush of water come out onto the floor and I thought to myself "OMG my water just broke" So I call John and he comes back home (he had left for work about 5 minutes ago). Then a few minutes later I notice I lost my mucus plug (sorry if this is TMI). So I call the hospital to see if I should come in after I explain everything that happened. They tell me to first go to the doctors office at 8AM to have them check to see if my water really broke. So... I wait and call, they tell me to come right in and they will check me as soon as possible. I am getting excited but then I realize no more water is coming out. I have always heard that you keep losing your water in a slow drip but I was NOT leaking anymore so I thought "maybe somehow I was wrong and my water did not really break???" but I did not imagine the water coming out in the first place so I was VERY CONFUSED!

Long story short, after we meet with the midwife it turns out my water did not break that when you are about to lose your mucus plug sometimes water will come out right before your mucus plug. WHO KNEW??? Learning everyday.

1 comment:

  1. Focus on the positive - your body is getting ready! Won't be much longer now :)
