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Already a Steelers fan
Sleeping in her baby carrier

They are not kidding when they say time flies! I can not believe my little baby is one month old today :)
Sleep: I'll be honest, not getting much of it here! Juliet sleeps for a 4 or 5 hour stretch starting at 7 or 8pm and then wake up around midnight or 1AM. After that she is usually up ever 2 hours or less, so needless to say I'm a zombie most days. I'm am so happy she sleeping the 4 or 5 hours straight but it's hard to go to bed at 7 or 8 pm so I'm hoping soon she will start to do another long sleep after the first one so I can spend some time with John in the evening. But I hear it gets better and she is still so young and gets hungry at night. Plus I think her favorite thing in the world to do is eat! (plus it's lots of bonding time with her Mommy) Also now that she is older she likes to be awake and listen to me talk to her (she tries to talk back but I am not totally understanding her yet) so my little one sometimes will try to fight sleep and stay awake b/c she loves everything going around her which can get her overtired :( I love to play with her but know she needs lots of naps so I have tired to introduce a pacifier to help her sleep and I'll put her in my baby carrier sling and walk around with her (this usually works).
The things Juliet loves: As I just said her favorite thing to do is eat :) I think she would eat 24/7 if I was able to feed her that much but my body does need a break at some point. I am pretty confident she is gaining plenty of weight b/c she just outgrew all her newborn stuff and her diaper output also let's me know she is on track! She also loves the outdoors and going for walks in her stroller with me. She loves to look around when we are outside or the movement will put her into a peacefully sleep. Juliet is also starting to be able to look at objects and follow them so she is starting to really enjoy her play gym and mirror. It's so neat to see her change and be able to do more stuff.
Her Smile: I LOVE when Juliet smiles, it's about the cutest thing in the world!!! I hope I can get a picture of it soon and post it b/c I swear she has the most beautiful smile in the world. Oh and I think she laughed the other day which I hope she does again soon b/c it was really funny!
Our first night out: Last weekend John and I had our first night out without Juliet together since she got home. Nana Rona and Pop Pop Larry watched her last Saturday while we went to our Friends house for a small party. I was proud of myself that I was able to leave her without freaking out. My mom has lots more experience with babies than I do so I knew she would be in good hands, plus it was nice to have time with John and have some "me" time for a night. If you don't take care of yourself it's hard to take care of others.
Dance Class: So I was cleared to exercise by the doctors at 4 weeks so I am going to start slow but I am taking my first dance class tonight :) I have missed dance so much and have not taken a class in about a year so (speaking of "me" time) John will watch Juliet every Thursday night for an hour while I get out for a little bit and enjoy some fun exercise! Yea :)
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