Juliet likes to play with the ruler, how big is Juliet?
Juliet is so fun!!!! Love this girl SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH :)
She has a few new things she likes to do!
- She loves lights switches, turning them off and on. Juliet is getting really good at using her hands to handle her toys and is grabbing everything she can get her hands on
- Throwing her blocks across the room! She is freakishly strong
- Tearing things apart. She is not yet to the stage where she puts things back together but she is really good and taking things apart
- She is trying really hard to sit up by herself and does her little baby sit ups every day
- She still loves her solid foods and has not yet found a food she does not like (although apples seem to be her very favorite!)
I really love being a Mom! It is the best and my heart is so full of love for Juliet and it just grows more and more everyday. Our little family is doing great and we are going to spend some quality time with Juliet this weekend and take her to the park (she loves the baby swing!) since it will be almost 60 degrees this weekend. Oh and Juliet is still sleeping 10-12 straight every night! This makes me VERY happy & I am hoping it will continue.
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