Thursday, May 26, 2011

Away for a week :(

Vacation: John and I will be leaving for vacation on Saturday and gone for a whole week in St. Lucia. I am really excited about going on vacation but at the same time I don't know how I'm going to survive being away from Juliet for a week. I called and tried to change our tickets so we could get back a few days earlier but it was really expensive and John thinks I'm a little crazy for trying to cut our vacation short but I'm really going to miss my little Juliet so I didn't know if I could make it seven whole days :( So we are going to stay the whole time unless I have a break down (but I won't, I'll have fun promise)!!! Juliet's grandparents are going to have lots of fun watching her, my mom has Juliet for the first have of the week and John's mom has her for the second half of the week.

Cheese please! Since Juliet turned 9 months the doctor said we can give her cheese and yogurt and she LOVES cheese. I don't think she would be my Daughter if she didn't like cheese.

More Teeth: Juliet know has both bottom teeth almost all the way out and her two fangs on time (my little vampire!) and now her front middle tooth on her right is coming in.

Juliet knows NO: Juliet listens when you tell her NO! (my mom taught her this!) I'm just so impressed by this little thing. If she crawls into the kitchen and wants to try and eat the cat's food, if I say no Juliet she stops looks at me and kind of smiles like she knows she is doing something she is not suppose to do but she does not touch the cats food. I am just amazed at how well she listens to me when I ask her not to do something. There is one exception to this, she can not control herself around a computer, she wants to bang on the keys sooooooo BAD that she will not listen to me when I say no to that! I only say NO to things that could hurt her so I don't overuse the word.

I've GOT YA: Juliet loves hid and seek games and playing chase around the furniture, she is getting really fast when she is cruising and is almost running while holding on :)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Happy 9 Months Juliet!

HI Everyone! I'm 9 months old today and my mommy and daddy are so happy that I'm such a big girl :) We walked to the park and I had lots of fun on the baby swing!

Juliet's 9 Month Stats: She is right under 19 pounds (50th percentile for weight) & 27.5 inches long (50th percentile for height) & a 17 inch head (50th percentile for head size)... I see a trend! Juliet is right in the middle of the bell curve, the doctor says this is a good place to be :)

A third word! Juliet is now saying MaMa, DaDa, and... NaNA (my mom's name for herself as Juliet grandmother). I didn't believe my mom at first when she told me Juliet was now saying Na Na because it sounds so much like Ma Ma but when I dropped her off at my Mom's to watch her she was calling for her Na Na! When she is upset because of protesting a nap or bedtime she will cry and call all of us... MA MA!!!! DA DA!!! NA NA!!! Juliet is trying to get someone to come help so she won't have to nap, ha ha! She is also still trying to say Kitty :) Everytime we play with the cats she makes the K sound and sometimes it sounds like she says cat but it's not clear yet. This is such an exciting time to watch them grow and learn.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Books and more books...

Look at my little "I can stand on my own Mom!" baby :) She stood with out holding for about a WHOLE minute, WOW! big girl :) She has also "tried" to walk on her own for a few steps a few times but fell down, she is not quite at the walking on her own point but it won't be long.

Juliet gives good hugs and loves giving kisses to Mommy (and herself in the mirror!)

My little twins! I look so much like daddy :)

These days we have a little book worm on our hands! Juliet wants to read 100 books before going to bed, when she wakes up, and just for fun during the day :) It's so cute when she reaches for another book after she already read ten. I have to go buy her more because I'm starting to memorize the words of EVERY book.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers!

Juliet made me a card for mother's day!!! I never knew she was so advanced that she could write at 8 1/2 months! Spelling is right and everything
Daddy is happy Juliet liked the hockey gear!

My happy little girl makes ME happy everyday, it is so WONDERFUL to be Juliet's mom, I truly feel blessed to have so much love in my life and have never known JOY like being a Mom.

We had a great Mother's day :) I hope everyone else had a great day also, XOXO!

Here is my little dancer!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Mama AND Dada! And maybe Kitty...

So Juliet is talking all the time these days :) After she originally said MaMa she stopped for a while but now she is back to talking. She is now saying both MaMa and DaDa and she actually says the right word to the right parent! It's so exciting to see her call our names. John and I have also though we heard her say kitty while playing with Quest but I can not say for sure until I hear it again because it could have totally been us hearing things... Who knows but she is pretty cute and love making her laugh! She also loves to listen to her music and "dance", currently her favorite song is the john jingleheimer smith song, she starts to scream and laugh and start to dance in my arms, it's pretty cute. Juliet is also getting so good at standing by herself and holds her balance by herself several times a day, I think shes likes the challenge of trying to stand.

On not so good news, Juliet has a cold again (poor girl is a snotty mess) and has also been majorly protesting bedtime and the last two night she has woke up in the middle of the night crying but goes back to bed with a few hugs but having her wake me up in the middle of the night has not happened in over 2 months. She has been such a good sleeper and was sleeping straight for 11 or 12 hours so I hope it's just a phase because it's nice to get sleep. She is also having some stranger anxiety and see to want to be attached to my hip which is kind of cute that she wants lots of hugs from mommy :) I don't mind the extra love!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


No thank you says Juliet! Well she likes solids but NO chunks please!!! The doctor told us last time we went in that we should start making her food chunky but she hates it so much. It's funny to see the faces she makes when she realizes that her food has chunks in it, she makes the most dramatic faces. She is my little drama queen :) Juliet is also getting really good at walking while holding on to Mommy's hands and is pulling up on everything these days including her crib. If she does not feel like napping she starts to giggle in her crib and pulls herself up to stand and walk around the crib. Every time I walk in on her standing she looks so proud of herself. So funny. Why do I spend money on expensive toys when Juliet's favorite things to play with these days are cat toys and paper. Yes cat toys! The cats have a bin of toys and she is now always crawling to it and dumping it out and playing with all fun toys. WE LOVE OUR LITTLE GIRL!