Juliet's 9 Month Stats: She is right under 19 pounds (50th percentile for weight) & 27.5 inches long (50th percentile for height) & a 17 inch head (50th percentile for head size)... I see a trend! Juliet is right in the middle of the bell curve, the doctor says this is a good place to be :)
A third word! Juliet is now saying MaMa, DaDa, and... NaNA (my mom's name for herself as Juliet grandmother). I didn't believe my mom at first when she told me Juliet was now saying Na Na because it sounds so much like Ma Ma but when I dropped her off at my Mom's to watch her she was calling for her Na Na! When she is upset because of protesting a nap or bedtime she will cry and call all of us... MA MA!!!! DA DA!!! NA NA!!! Juliet is trying to get someone to come help so she won't have to nap, ha ha! She is also still trying to say Kitty :) Everytime we play with the cats she makes the K sound and sometimes it sounds like she says cat but it's not clear yet. This is such an exciting time to watch them grow and learn.
Yay! It's always fun when they say little things and you think....did you just say what I think you said? =) I swear Taylor said Choo Choo the other night when we were singing the Driver Dan Song! LOL! Maybe Juliet can teach Taylor how to say NaNa, she is still working on that one! =)
ReplyDeletelive long child,God bless you.