Does my Belly look any bigger to you?

The Doctor's appointment this week :(
The bad news: They are slightly concerned about my size at the doctor's appointment on Wednesday, since my last appointment three weeks ago they said I have only gained a pound and that my belly is still measuring 31 centimeters (which is no change from last time). Since i have had no belly growth they are sending me in for a sonogram to check and make sure the baby is growing okay or that my fluids are not low for some reason. She also said that it could just be the position that Juliet is in, she could be curled up making her appear smaller than she is. The midwife also said she is now a little concerned that I have only gained 17 pounds and would like my weight gain to be a little more a week (around a pound a week). I have never ever skipped a meal the whole time I have been pregnant (when I say skipped a meal I mean 1st breakfast, 2nd breakfast, 1st lunch, 2nd lunch, 1st dinner and 2nd dinner--- plus snacks!) I will do whatever they tell me to do in regards to eating to make sure my little baby girl is getting everything she needs. Just a stressful doctors visit b/c I feel like I have gone above and beyond to eat a lot of healthy stuff to grow Juliet :( But trying not to worry to much but it's hard not to worry when you become a mother.
The good news: They checked her position and she is head down & butt up, which is right where she should be to prepare for birth! My blood pressure is good at 110/75 and the baby's heart rate is nice and strong at 145 beats per minute. Plus she is moving all the time which is a good sign she is doing great.
Tour de hospital: John and I went on our tour of Howard County Hospital this week! I got to see where I would be giving birth and staying for two days after the baby was born. It is a very nice hospital and I'm so excited about everything. I started to imagine myself in the birthing room and all the emotions I would be going through and what it would be like to see the baby for the first time... It was pretty neat. I'm ready for you labor (well not till the baby is fully developed then I'm ready!)
Maternity photo's: John and I took our "Maternity Photo's" yesterday and we will have the link to share with everyone in a little over a week. The photographer called John a J Crew model which I thought was so funny!!! She also had us gaze into each other eye's a lot which just made both of us laugh so be ready to have a good chuckle at some of the cheesy pictures we took.
What we learned in Birthing class number 3: (2 more left till we get our "child birth certificate" and I'm allowed to actually give birth to Juliet! Ha ha) This week we learned about pain medication in class and all the things they will do to you during labor with various instruments (think forceps) So it was a little disturbing, again sometimes I think ignorance is bliss! Other then learning about pain meds we discussed what to pack in the hospital bag, which they said to pack at 36 weeks. It crazy to me that I will be packing my hospital bag in one short week!!!!
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