37 weeks :)
So at 37 weeks Juliet is officially "full term" which means everything should be fully developed (well she is always developing but it's safe for her to come out and thrive in the world!)
How does 37 weeks Pregnant feel? Not so bad. I would say the worst part of being this prego is trying to sleep. I wake up 4 times a night to go to the bathroom and sometimes can't get back to sleep b/c for whatever reason I am wide awake. Everyone tells me to get my sleep now but I am having a hard time doing that... Oh well. And it can be painful when my little girl kicks me in the ribs. She is getting so big that she can reach my ribcage so that is a bit uncomfortable. But other than that I feel really good. No heartburn, or other problems that typically come with this stage of pregnancy.
Doctor's Appointment this week: Everything went well at my appointment this week. The midwife I saw said my belly measurement is back on track. 35 centimeters at almost 37 weeks so that is within the range they want to see. I guess she had a big growth spurt or changed positions??? Not sure but I got a gold star at my appointment. Still have a follow up ultrasound on Monday so we will see her one last time (I hope!) before delivery. I also asked the midwife if the baby had dropped yet or not and she answered "You would know better than I would".... Ummmm Thanks, I guess. This is my first pregnancy, I don't know much! So not 100 % sure if she has dropped. They say if you can take a big breath and have to pee a ton than the baby has dropped. Ok, so I always have to pee (but I don't think this is anything new) and yes I can take a big breath. So I guess she has dropped??? So clueless. ALSO, for all my friends that are pregnant around 36 weeks my Midwife told me to start taking "Evening Primrose Oil" three times a day, it is suppose to soften your cervix so you start to dial ate and don't go past your due date... I'll let you know if it works!
Practice makes Perfect: My uterus has been practicing and so have I! I have had my first couple contractions the last few days. About one or two a day for the past three days. It kind of feels like a Charlie horse in your stomach. John and I have also had practice with babies :) Our friend Jodi let us babysit her 10 week old Finnegan (can you believe it!?) so we were able to practice changing diapers, feeding the little guy, and putting him to sleep. It all went really well and I let John do most the work b/c my belly gets in the way of most things these days :( But he did a good job and we both stayed calm when the baby started to cry (which was only for about 10 minutes - he is a really good baby) So we may not have such a angel baby but fingers crossed that we do! It was only a three hour babysitting job but glad we got a little practice in before the real thing.
We have Graduated: From birthing class that is! Noting to exciting happened our last class except for a couple that we had gotten to know went into labor 5 weeks early and have a little 5 1/2 pound girl. The dad came to class for a few minutes in the beginning to tell there story. Pretty much her water broke early and they had to induce her but the baby's heart rate dropped in the middle of labor so they had to send her off for an emergency c-section. I guess you never know what will happen. The funniest part of class was when we watched a video that was meant to prepare us for how "ugly" your newborn can be when they first come out. It interview a Dad that said (and I quote!) "I won't call my daughter ugly or anything but you know she wasn't the prettiest, I guess she has potential" HA HA!
Push Present: So John bought into the idea that you have to get your lovely wife a push present when she gives birth. Because after all I have carried his child for 9 plus months ;) So I asked for a treadmill for my push present b/c I know I will be super busy and may not always have time to go to the gym. We got the treadmill delivered this week and I'm so excited!!!! Yea John, thanks for getting me what I wanted :)
PS: Mommy Collins, I promise I will not use it until my doctor gives me the okay to exercise after birth!!!!
Yeah for treadmills!!! :-)