Hoping the belly looks bigger :)

So it's been a whirlwind of a week but looking forward to a nice weekend! It's my 31st birthday this Saturday and I keep forgetting I am even having a birthday. Not doing much for it, just dinner and a movie with my favorite person (that's John and of course Juliet will be with us also, my other favorite person)
Birthing class 4: We learned about C-Sections in class on Wednesday. Had to watch another video showing what they do to you during a c-section. I have concluded there is NO good way to get a baby out of you... It all look awful and painful, so until they teach fetus the art of teleportion I guess this is what us women are stuck with!!! I was also picked out of class to demonstrate a C-Section to the whole class, it was so embarrassing. I had to lay on the floor while other people stood over me pretending to be various doctors and nurses that would be in the room with you for a real c-section. We are learning a lot but thank god for John being such a good student in class b/c without him I don't think I would remember all the stuff we learned. At the end of every class we do a mock labor and he always has the right answers when the teacher asks for him and he remembers all the breathing patterns that I forget. The teacher has even promised John a cookie for two of his right answers that the rest of the class could not seem to get (ha ha) I don't think he will ever really see that cookie to his dismay.
Ultrasound: Some other things we found out at this weeks ultrasounds (yes the two I had this week!) Juliet already has hair on her head! They pointed out the hair to me during the ultrasound which I thought was pretty cool. Also, Juliet is still a Juliet b/c she still has girl parts and not boy parts. She is probably going to have big feet just like her daddy. The tech was showing us her feet and I said "those look big" so she measured them and they are already 3 inches long . Then the tech laughed and said "well I don't measure feet that much but that seems big to me!"
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