So I asked John last night what he wanted to do and he said "why don't we go baby shopping and start to look at stuff" ---- WHAT??? Is this my husband who hates to shop suggesting to shop? Of course I said "Yea, good idea!" and we were off to the Babies R US supper store. We both quickly realized we know NOTHING. John was asking me questions that I could not answer, like "do we need a crib and a bassinet?" & "Do we need more then one stroller and why?" & "Which car seat is going to be the best" To which I relayed each time "Ummmmmmm... I have no idea!"
So the moral of my story is I'm going to need help and moral support from those friends & family that have been though this before b/c I am clueless! I even apologized to the baby on the car ride home for it having to be our little experimental baby. In a nut shell I'm overwhelmed by all the stuff I have to learn. If you have any advice for me let me know.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
16 weeks OR 4 months prego TODAY, only 24 more weeks to go!

My Funny Story for the week: So I finally had a chance to tell the aerobic instructor I go to religiously at 5:30 in the mornings that I was pregnant. She responded by saying (with what I thought seemed to be a sense of relief) “OH GOOD!!!! I thought you were pregnant!” Then I guess she decided that might offend me so she quickly added, “I mean you don’t look pregnant but you know you can tell up here (and she pointed at her chest! Ha ha)” Then she just told me that I can continue to come to classes since I had done them before but to watch out for loose joints and hips and falling b/c your body release a hormone that makes you sort of clumsy (which I can say is very true since I seem to be dropping everything!)
How I feel: Like my body is not my own! I finally feel like I have gotten big this week (but still don't look pregnant - Just like I have gained a few!) and things are not fitting quite right. But if I'm growing that means the baby is growing so YEA!
My new favorite thing to do: Play Scrabble :) If anyone has scrabble on their facebook, challenge me... I'm getting good. (I also think by playing scrabble the baby has a fighting chance of being able to spell!)
I'm excited for: To feel the baby move for the first time, I should feel it between 16 and 20 weeks so I will let everyone know when I do :)
Cravings this week: Mac and Cheese! YUM
MY Weight Gain: 6 Pounds - Although it seems to be distributing all over my body not just in my stomach - they say that's a sign of a girl (maybe I was right all along - 4 more weeks till I find out)
John's Weight Gain: 9 pounds! I better stop baking cookies and brownies ;)
Maternity (not maturity! - thanks Jodi) Clothes: Not yet. Some of my wardrobe is way more flattering then other parts but I have enough to last me for now...
Friday, February 19, 2010
15 weeks today :)

15 week baby belly - You may ask why in most of these pictures does she not include her face? And the answer is simple, I don't feel like doing my hair and make up so I just cut my face off!
Mood: In a much better mood then last weekend when I had my crying fits AND glad it's Friday! Looking forward to my girls night with Liz in Philly on Saturday and a quite night at home tonight with John :)
What I have struggled with this week: Feeling tired all day if I don't get enough sleep (I require the full 8 hours these days)
Cravings: Cheese on anything! & bagels (which includes cream cheese!) Oh and I think about subway a lot... Strange I know but I LOVE subway's veggie patty with ranch dressing and lots of veggies. Yum.
What I'm looking forward to: March 26th, I'll be 20 weeks and we have another ultrasound appointment where we will hopefully find out the babies gender. So far the baby poll on this blog is leaning towards a girl. I have thought it was a girl for so long but now I think it may be a boy... I guess it's a 50/50 chance!
My little white lie: A little white lie to your doctor can't hurt right? When my midwife asked me if I was staying away from sugar I said "I only have dessert occasionally" but the truth is I have dessert everyday. She also told me I could only have one small cup of juice a day b/c juice has too much sugar. So I was not going to confess to eating a Brownies and Ice Cream daily!
Weight gain: 5 pounds
Monday, February 15, 2010
14 weeks and a new symptom of pregnancy!
14 weeks and a new symptom of pregnancy... Crying!
Yes this week has been full of tears :( I am not even sure why??? They say the 2nd trimester is the best but so far I don't think so. Crying for no reason is confusing & frustrating but after the emotional outbursts were over I did feel better in a strange way. I am not normally someone that starts to cry for no reason so I am going to blame the hormones and being stuck in the house for the snow storm. Missing work for a whole week really stressed me out b/c I feel very behind during the busiest time of year. Hopefully this won't continue or no one will want to be around me b/c I could combust at any moment.
So far I have been able to avoid maternity clothes but did buy those belly bands for when I'm ready to unbutton my jeans! They seem like a great invention but I will let you know how they work out after I use them. Which I think will be soon b/c my sweet tooth has been out of control. It seems all I want to eat things like donuts (which I even dream about eating!) but trying my hardest stick with a balanced diet but it's so hard sometimes.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Snow storm = stuck in the house = EATING
Day 2 of the snow storm outside our front door

2/10/10 - MORE SNOW! We have 12 more inches already. So what to do when you are stuck in the house and pregnant? Eat of course! I have been enjoying a small meal every 2 hours or so :)
Best thing so far about being Pregnant: It has been the most amazing thing to see our baby through the ultrasounds and see the baby's move around like crazy (I could have watched it for hours!). I also love the feeling that I always have company & talking to the baby is so fun. I am also really looking foward to feeling the baby move.
Worst thing about being Pregnant: Not being able to work out as hard as I used to. I really miss a good workout - the kind where you can't breath and you want to die (there must be something wrong with me - maybe I'll enjoy labor???). Also my addiction to coffee was really hard to give up. I only gave up coffee for three weeks before deciding that one cup a day couldn't hurt...
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
13 weeks and stuck in the snow!
13 weeks prego!
My cravings this week: Pancakes & Brownies- have had the time to make them!
Best thing about being snowed in: Being able to get lots of sleep & hang out with John - we have played scrabble and are you smarter than a 5th grader (I WON both games!)
Worst thing about being snowed in: Missing work and feeling behind

So I am 13 weeks pregnant – officially in my second trimester (which they say is the best trimester to be in!) I feel good & have my energy back. I have gained a little bit of a belly, looks a little like I had too much for lunch or some put a small tire around my mid section. My weight gain so far has been about 3 to 4 pounds, apparently that is normal for the first trimester. Some people lose weight b/c they throw up so much due to morning sickness so I feel lucky that was not me. From now on the books say I should gain about a pound a week! So I am going to start growing rapidly soon. I am really looking forward to LOOKING pregnant not just bloated!
This week I have been stuck in the house except for the occasional trip to the gym or grocery store b/c of the snow. It started snowing on Friday 2/5 and we finally got plowed out on Monday 2/8 so I have been out of the house a few times but my work has been closed and I think it will stay closed all week b/c we are supposed to get another 12-20 inches tonight… CRAZY! MD has never seen this much snow. I wish I had a baby to play with while suck in the house but he/she is stuck in my uterus for the time being, ha ha.
This week I have been stuck in the house except for the occasional trip to the gym or grocery store b/c of the snow. It started snowing on Friday 2/5 and we finally got plowed out on Monday 2/8 so I have been out of the house a few times but my work has been closed and I think it will stay closed all week b/c we are supposed to get another 12-20 inches tonight… CRAZY! MD has never seen this much snow. I wish I had a baby to play with while suck in the house but he/she is stuck in my uterus for the time being, ha ha.
My cravings this week: Pancakes & Brownies- have had the time to make them!
Best thing about being snowed in: Being able to get lots of sleep & hang out with John - we have played scrabble and are you smarter than a 5th grader (I WON both games!)
Worst thing about being snowed in: Missing work and feeling behind
My First Trimester
Baby Collins at 8 weeks - not much movement yet but we could see the heart beat and found out he/she had a heart rate of 160!
12 week ultrasound - Baby Collins was VERY active at the ultrasound, the baby was kicking, sucking it's thumb, waving at us, and doing little baby dances :)

12 weeks prego

Here is a picture of me 12 weeks pregnant, I was so worried until I got to 12 weeks and was able to see the baby move around at the ultrasound. Gave me such peace of mind to know everything was okay so far :) I also bought a Doppler off of Amazon (only 30 dollars!) so that I can listen to the baby's heartbeat whenever I want... I love it & John makes fun of me for listening everyday to the baby's heartbeat but there is no better sound in the world.
My first Trimester was not too bad, I had no morning sickness, was just nauseous for about a week around 8 weeks and then it passed. I was VERY tired and had to take naps most afternoons but other than being tired I didn’t have many other problems. I wasn’t even that moody (ask John!) ha ha. Not to say I didn’t have a couple mood swings but definitely not as bad as I thought it would be. The other strange thing that happened to me was that I loved to eat eggs the first 9 weeks of my pregnancy... then all of a sudden I could NOT stand to eat eggs!!!! I have been craving carbs in the morning now things like bagels & pancakes. I also didn’t drink Milk before and now I crave that also.
My first Trimester was not too bad, I had no morning sickness, was just nauseous for about a week around 8 weeks and then it passed. I was VERY tired and had to take naps most afternoons but other than being tired I didn’t have many other problems. I wasn’t even that moody (ask John!) ha ha. Not to say I didn’t have a couple mood swings but definitely not as bad as I thought it would be. The other strange thing that happened to me was that I loved to eat eggs the first 9 weeks of my pregnancy... then all of a sudden I could NOT stand to eat eggs!!!! I have been craving carbs in the morning now things like bagels & pancakes. I also didn’t drink Milk before and now I crave that also.
Juliet Elise or Benjamin Wallace - Due 8/13/10
The blog of Baby Collins!

We are going to be parents???? Scary! ha ha, I kid!

So far our only qualifications for being parents is that I am a godmother to beautiful Zoe!

Hello Welcome to the blog of Baby Collins! I wanted to keep friends and family updated about everything going with our beautiful little baby :) We are so blessed to have either Juliet or Benjamin on the way. We both have a feeling it's a girl but who knows???? We hopefully will find out the sex (if he/she behaves!) on March 26th when we go in for our 20 week ultrasound.
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