Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Juliet Elise or Benjamin Wallace - Due 8/13/10

The blog of Baby Collins!

We are going to be parents???? Scary! ha ha, I kid!

So far our only qualifications for being parents is that I am a godmother to beautiful Zoe!

Hello Welcome to the blog of Baby Collins! I wanted to keep friends and family updated about everything going with our beautiful little baby :) We are so blessed to have either Juliet or Benjamin on the way. We both have a feeling it's a girl but who knows???? We hopefully will find out the sex (if he/she behaves!) on March 26th when we go in for our 20 week ultrasound.

1 comment:

  1. Grandma Collins would love to hear the heartbeat but as you know will start crying again!!

    I didint know we had names--where did the names come from?
