My Funny Story for the week: So I finally had a chance to tell the aerobic instructor I go to religiously at 5:30 in the mornings that I was pregnant. She responded by saying (with what I thought seemed to be a sense of relief) “OH GOOD!!!! I thought you were pregnant!” Then I guess she decided that might offend me so she quickly added, “I mean you don’t look pregnant but you know you can tell up here (and she pointed at her chest! Ha ha)” Then she just told me that I can continue to come to classes since I had done them before but to watch out for loose joints and hips and falling b/c your body release a hormone that makes you sort of clumsy (which I can say is very true since I seem to be dropping everything!)
How I feel: Like my body is not my own! I finally feel like I have gotten big this week (but still don't look pregnant - Just like I have gained a few!) and things are not fitting quite right. But if I'm growing that means the baby is growing so YEA!
My new favorite thing to do: Play Scrabble :) If anyone has scrabble on their facebook, challenge me... I'm getting good. (I also think by playing scrabble the baby has a fighting chance of being able to spell!)
I'm excited for: To feel the baby move for the first time, I should feel it between 16 and 20 weeks so I will let everyone know when I do :)
Cravings this week: Mac and Cheese! YUM
MY Weight Gain: 6 Pounds - Although it seems to be distributing all over my body not just in my stomach - they say that's a sign of a girl (maybe I was right all along - 4 more weeks till I find out)
John's Weight Gain: 9 pounds! I better stop baking cookies and brownies ;)
Maternity (not maturity! - thanks Jodi) Clothes: Not yet. Some of my wardrobe is way more flattering then other parts but I have enough to last me for now...
please get some maturity clothes.