Baby Collins at 8 weeks - not much movement yet but we could see the heart beat and found out he/she had a heart rate of 160!
12 week ultrasound - Baby Collins was VERY active at the ultrasound, the baby was kicking, sucking it's thumb, waving at us, and doing little baby dances :)

12 weeks prego

Here is a picture of me 12 weeks pregnant, I was so worried until I got to 12 weeks and was able to see the baby move around at the ultrasound. Gave me such peace of mind to know everything was okay so far :) I also bought a Doppler off of Amazon (only 30 dollars!) so that I can listen to the baby's heartbeat whenever I want... I love it & John makes fun of me for listening everyday to the baby's heartbeat but there is no better sound in the world.
My first Trimester was not too bad, I had no morning sickness, was just nauseous for about a week around 8 weeks and then it passed. I was VERY tired and had to take naps most afternoons but other than being tired I didn’t have many other problems. I wasn’t even that moody (ask John!) ha ha. Not to say I didn’t have a couple mood swings but definitely not as bad as I thought it would be. The other strange thing that happened to me was that I loved to eat eggs the first 9 weeks of my pregnancy... then all of a sudden I could NOT stand to eat eggs!!!! I have been craving carbs in the morning now things like bagels & pancakes. I also didn’t drink Milk before and now I crave that also.
My first Trimester was not too bad, I had no morning sickness, was just nauseous for about a week around 8 weeks and then it passed. I was VERY tired and had to take naps most afternoons but other than being tired I didn’t have many other problems. I wasn’t even that moody (ask John!) ha ha. Not to say I didn’t have a couple mood swings but definitely not as bad as I thought it would be. The other strange thing that happened to me was that I loved to eat eggs the first 9 weeks of my pregnancy... then all of a sudden I could NOT stand to eat eggs!!!! I have been craving carbs in the morning now things like bagels & pancakes. I also didn’t drink Milk before and now I crave that also.
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