Wednesday, January 16, 2013


This is Juliet's second pre-school gymnastics class and she loves it! She is doing really well being in the class without moms help and is listening to the teachers for the most part ;) she can do a roll all by herself now and walk across the balance beam without help. I'm sure they say this to all new parents to keep them coming back but... The teacher came up to me after class and told me Juliet ha a lot of talent and was getting things the older kids who have been in the class have not picked up yet. Here are some pictures but its hard to see.

On a side note, Juliet's new thing is to tell me I'm her best friend. It's pretty cute and I want to remind her of this when she is 13!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

2012 Holiday's & New Years 2013

Happy New Year Everyone! Here are some pictures to show you what we have been up to over the holidays. This holiday break was fun but also plagued with some sickness! The two girls in the family (Juliet and I) got the stomach flu and then Juliet caught a cold shortly after getting over the stomach bug so we during my time off work we spent it mostly in the house not going anywhere. By New Year's Eve Juliet was pretty much over her cold so we got out of the house and went to spend New Year's eve with our friends the Abernathy's and the Thomas's. Annalise, Miranda, and Juliet had a blast playing together and it was fun to see the girls all getting along and playing.The weekend before Christmas we traveled to Pittsburgh for a night where Dr. Collins & Missy hosted a holiday gathering. Juliet had a lot of fun playing with Jack, Sean, Madison, and John. She was even wrestling the twin boys whenever she got a chance. My girl is not to shy and get's right into the fun the boys were having. We also started gymnastic after the holidays and it appears the trampoline we brought Juliet went to good use because she got promoted from the Mommy and me class to the Pre-school class with the 3-5 year old's after the teacher saw her on the trampoline and then on the balance beam. I hope she can be in class without me and still follow the rules or she will get kicked out and put back in the Mommy and me classes! I can't lie I was a proud mother seeing her moved up after one day of Gymnastics. Plus she loved the class, hopefully she will like the preschool one even more.

In Pittsburgh with Aunt Missy

I love my Doctor set, thanks Aunt Missy & Uncle BC

Juliet also loved her dress up clothes and new "High Heels!"

Juliet's first note to Santa

New Year's Eve

Juliet reading a bed time story to her baby, so cute

The three cuties: Juliet, Annalise, & Miranda