Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Caleb's one month doctors appointment

He is 9 pounds & 13 oz & 22 inches! Juliet was 10 pounds 1oz at her 2 month appointment so I think he is in the lead for weight. Poor guy has had a cold for the last two days :( otherwise he is doing good and we are having fun together. He has also outgrown his newborn clothes! 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Caleb at the hospital and a few days post!

Life with two!

Some days are hard with two kids! Juliet has decided she does not need to nap anymore so that can be a struggle when he is crying and I'm trying to deal with a head strong toddler. Caleb is still up a lot at night so that makes for a very tired mommy. He is up about 4-5 times a night to eat and often has bad gas just like Juliet did. They are very similar in terms of their temperament as babies. Smiley & happy for the most part but the gassy thing can get them fussy... But I am so blessed to have these two cute kiddo's and I could be happier! Here are some fun pictures of J & C

Mom & dad went to Hillary's wedding for a night. Na na & ba ba were nice enough to watch the kids
Juliet dance class with Elizabeth at dance connections

Quest wants to be a baby! Poor guy is recovering from an UTI
Caleb newborn feet