Saturday, November 30, 2013

I missed it

Caleb rolled over for the first time today! It's the little things that get you excited as a parent. He went from belly to back. I put him on hi tummy then started to clean the play room, heard him struggling so went to go flip him when I saw he was already on his back. So I missed the belly to back roll in action. 

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Monday, November 25, 2013


 Caleb has had some bad gas and constipation lately :( which makes him not sleep well because he is up all night farting and needs comfort. So I have been not getting sleep and I go back to work next week. Hopefully this passes. Juliet is still trying to skip her naps with me even though you can tell she is very tired but she is good for everyone else! Oh well! Love those kids no matter what.