Friday, November 19, 2010

Happy Three Months Juliet :)

Juliet - 3 months old and a happy girl!

Pictures from Juliet's first trip to the ZOO! We went to the DC national Zoo with our friend Krissie and her two boys, Nolan & Jack.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

12 weeks already????

Getting ready for the cold weather & Christmas!!!

Back to work starting tomorrow... I will let everyone know how it goes, hopefully it will be fine. Cried a little last night about it b/c I am so used to spending all my time with Juliet it will be hard to be separated. I may have more separation anxiety than Juliet!!!!

I will try and keep up with this blog but may be a little busy with work and adjusting so I will do my best, I think Juliet will love to look at this when she gets older!

Juliet keeps getting better and better at napping and sleeping and is fully in her crib & I think she likes her room now! for the last three days she has gone to sleep promptly at 7:30PM and wakes at 7:30 am (with two night feeding around 2:30am and 6AM) The best part is I am now putting her down sleep but awake and she is putting herself to sleep! This saves a lot of time rocking her to sleep :)

Doctor's appointment: Juliet had her 3 month appoint for her shots and they weighted her and she was 11 pounds and 11 ounces! The doc said that was really good and she is gaining weight like she should.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

11 Weeks :)

Juliet hair looks reddish to me in this picture! Love my Pumpkin Head :)

Our Cute Little Bunny all Dressed up for Halloween!

WORK!!!! I return to work a week from Thursday. I wish I could go back part time but with my current job that is not something they would let me do. It's going to be so hard to be away from her all day, 5 days a week! She is my little buddy and I am afraid I will miss a big milestone when I'm at work like the first time she rolls over or her first word. She is going to be with my Mom full time till January and then she will go to daycare 4 days a week and my Mom will have her on Fridays. It's really nice that she will be with someone she already knows for a while before the big transition into day care but I will miss her so much.

Sleep: Another worry I have about going back to work is the lack of sleep. Juliet is getting way more predictable in her sleep patterns but still is not sleeping totally through the night. She goes to sleep around 7:30 or 8PM and wakes up around 2AM, goes back to sleep within 20 minutes, wakes up at 5:30AM, goes back to sleep within 20 minutes, and then wakes up for good around 8:30 AM. So not too bad but I wish I could get it so she only wakes up once in the night, twice is hard sometimes b/c I will have trouble going back to sleep at least one of the two times she gets me up. Oh well!!! She is getting better and better.

Naps: I am also working on getting Juliet to nap longer than 30 minutes and for the past two days she has take at least one long 2 hour nap!!! 2 hour naps are amazing and it helps me get things done around the house, plus she is so much more happy and playful when she gets good naps in during the day.

Juliet still loves her play mat the best during the day and loves grabbing her animals and moving around. Tummy time is still a very unhappy time for Juliet and she can only handle being on her tummy for a few minutes at a time or she will start to cry :( I try my best to get in her tummy time but it's hard when she hates it too much! She is such a happy baby and even happier when she gets good sleep during the day and night. I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful baby!!! Being a mom is the best :)