Sunday, February 19, 2012

18 months!

Playdate, the girls are being big girls sitting at the table!       

Having fun with Pop Pop!
I want that Camera Mommy!!!!

A fun day at the park with my friend Elizabeth
Got my hands full!

Juliet is 18 months today! We are so blessed to have this cute fun little girl in our lives, we love her sooooo much that words can not express. Juliet is learning so much everyday and is a very inquisitive little girl. She knows most of her shapes and colors and can even say most of them. She is going to love school later in life because she loves when we quiz her on things like her shapes and colors. She also still loves to dance and play at the park. She climbs on everything and is very active. Her favorite foods are all sweets things like fruit & cookies. She also loves chocolate (but what girl doesn't?)

1 comment:

  1. Finnegan ONLY eats sweets. I though Z was a sweet tooth until Finny came along. That freak doesnt even like pizza!!!!! Juliet is getting so big! Cant believe are babies are going to be 2 this summer! Yikes!
