Monday, March 26, 2012

19 months

We did an early Easter in Pittsburgh and had a lot of fun with Ba Ba, Aunt Helen, cousin Allison, Aunt Missy, & Uncle BC! Here are some pictures from our trip.

Juliet is also really starting to talk like a "big" girl! She is putting 3-5 words sentences together all the time now. She will say things like "Mommy, you do it" "Mommy, eat it" "Mommy, you draw it" "Draw a circle" "Kick the ball" "Daddy let's go outside" It's crazy how much she is talking in sentences.

Juliet is also learning her ABC's! Every time she sees letters she says "The ABC's!" It's so funny. We have magnet letters and she ofter will pull the O off and tell me "O" She also knows the letter F.

Juliet's new love is ELMO!

We were all laughing about how much she loved socks as a present, she is really into trying to put her clothes on all by herself and picking out her "outfits" in the morning. She will stand in front of her closet and say "Hummm, outfit"

Juliet is also so impressed and into her cousin Allison!

Juliet dancing! She now demands "MUSIC" all the time.

Juliet picked this outfit out!

At the Children's Museum of Pittsburgh

Anther example of Juliet dressing herself!

She can hold onto the monkey bars all by herself, LOVE THIS GIRL! XOXO

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