Friday, May 3, 2013

25 Weeks - Key West - Juliet's Soccer

Here is a belly shot at 25 weeks! This baby is kicking me a lot and flipping all around sometimes he kicks me high and some times the kicks are very low. So far my ribs are in good shape because he seems to spreading out where he is kicking me unlike Juliet who always took rib shots. I am feeling pretty good. Since my belly is getting big it is getting harder to teach Zumba and I am getting tired more easily. I think I will have to give it up at the end of May but I am going to try and teach till then. I am up to 15 pounds for my weight gain so about the same as I was with Juliet. I see another 8 pound PLUS baby in my future!!!!

We are doing a 6 week Soccer class with Juliet in addtion to her gymnastics! She loved her first class and it was funny to watch her play soccer for the first time. For the first 5 minutes of class she ran around with the ball in her hands but soon learned to kick the ball. She even scored a couple goals when they played a quick practice game. She does sometimes get distracted and decided to "pick grass" instead of playing one of the games at the end. ha ha.

I am missing my 24 week photo because we were in Key West last week with some friends. Here are some picutes from our trip. No good belly pictures but we were having fun beaching it and going out on the town. I was the sober girl taking care of all those that had too much to drink but still had a blast and I can always have fun without drinking. I was up late dancing the night away!!!

The night of the 80's band - Lots of dancing!

Key West has very Yummy Cuban Food!

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