Friday, May 14, 2010

27 weeks

Third Trimester? I think I'm starting my Third Trimester this week or next... All the sites and books say different things. Some say your third trimester begins in week 27, other say 28 but I guess I will go by math and say I have entered my Third Trimester... Divide 40 weeks of gestation by 3 = 13.33 per trimester. Week 1 to 13.33 weeks is 1st Trimester. 13.34 weeks to 26.67 weeks is 2nd Trimester and 26.68 to 40.00 Weeks is 3rd Trimester. So YEA TO THE FINAL HOME STRETCH OF BEING PREGO! Three more months to go.

Congrats to my Friend Jodi: Who had her 2nd baby today :) She went into labor last night after her water broke and gave birth to a baby boy at 5AM this morning. Can't wait to meet him :) Once she gets some rest and let's me know when visiting hours are I will go see the little bundle of joy and hear all about her labor and delivery.

I'm DONE: I am officially 100% done with grad school and will be receiving my Masters degree in the mail in a week or two. My next step to is to become a licenced counselor which means I have to take the National Counselors Exam and pass to get my provisional Licence. This allows people to bill their insurance under me and I am more marketable for jobs. I hope I can take the exam this summer before the baby comes b/c I know I will have limited time to study after Juliet makes her appearance. So I just have to get all the paperwork in and back in time to take the exam...

The baby's Room: We are making progress, John finished painting the room and we have all our furniture for the baby's room now in boxes since we have to get new carpet before we put it all in the room. (thanks Momma Green and Collins for helping with the furniture!) Mom's are the best! I am pretty confident we will have everything done by the end of July.

All aboard: I'm back on the weight gain train! Acquired two pounds this week so I'm sitting pretty at 16 pounds... much closers to where I should be at and my goal is 25-30 pounds by the end of all this.

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