Thursday, July 29, 2010

38 weeks!

TWO more weeks: till my due date. I'm so excited but now I'm worried she won't want to come out till way after my due date and I will have to wait more than two weeks to see her. I know it's only days differences but I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas morning... It's hard not to want to unwrap your presents! I really don't want to be induced so hoping she decides to come out on her own! TRYING to be patient :)

Car's breaking down in the July heat is NOT fun: It is a myth that all people are nice to pregnant women! Here is my evidence... I had challenging day on Wednesday, I went to get my car inspected during my lunch break and during the inspection they killed my car battery after plugging there equipment into my car. So to make a long story short they decide not to help jump start my car but instead just roll my car into the parking lot telling me... "Just flag someone down and have them jump start you. Sorry." Really.... Thanks a lot, it's 90 plus degree's and they are the one's that killed my battery. So I start uncontrollably crying, (trying to hold it together) but it's hard when you have so much estrogen running through your veins. So I sit there trying to wait to ask for someones help as people drive by but after 20 minutes of this (still crying) no one helps until another employee sees me crying and tells me he will get his car and jump me! THANK YOU :) It took him about another 30 minutes to jump me b/c my battery had to recharge for a while before it would jump. Thank goodness for him and my dad who was on his way to come get me!

It's the small things: that make me happy! Like when John asks every day "do you think this is the day you will go into Labor" or some days he will say "I don't think it's going to happen today, just wanted to let you know" So funny. I love how everyday he has a comment about if the baby will come or not, it makes me smile. He may be more anxious that I am!

Another gold star: At my doctor's appointment this week. My Midwife said she was very pleased with my progress, I was measuring 37 centimeters at 37 weeks (one day away from 38 weeks) so I am now perfectly on target with my measurements. So no more measuring small!!!! I have also gained 21 pounds and she said she is very happy with that amount of weight. YEA! I also had an another (and hopefully my last) ultrasound on Monday which also looked good. Juliet was practicing her breathing during the whole ultrasound, so much so that the tech was getting annoyed that she couldn't get the measurements fast enough! So now that she is full term those lungs should work fine when she comes out.

Let's Dish: Looking forward to doing Let's Dish with my friends Jodi and Tim next week. Let's Dish is a place where you can cook a bunch of "paint by numbers" meals and freeze them so you have weeks worth of dinners. I don't think I will be up to cooking after the baby arrives so I am glad we will have a bunch of stuff in the freezer to just quickly heat and eat!

Momma's Birthdays: Next week is also Mommy Collins and Mommy's Green's Birthdays! The 3rd of August is my mom's and the 4th is John's mom's. Let's see if Juliet will want to share a birthday with one of her grandma's :) I personally would love it b/c that means I would be giving birth early and I'm all for that now that she is fully cooked!

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