Tuesday, May 3, 2011


No thank you says Juliet! Well she likes solids but NO chunks please!!! The doctor told us last time we went in that we should start making her food chunky but she hates it so much. It's funny to see the faces she makes when she realizes that her food has chunks in it, she makes the most dramatic faces. She is my little drama queen :) Juliet is also getting really good at walking while holding on to Mommy's hands and is pulling up on everything these days including her crib. If she does not feel like napping she starts to giggle in her crib and pulls herself up to stand and walk around the crib. Every time I walk in on her standing she looks so proud of herself. So funny. Why do I spend money on expensive toys when Juliet's favorite things to play with these days are cat toys and paper. Yes cat toys! The cats have a bin of toys and she is now always crawling to it and dumping it out and playing with all fun toys. WE LOVE OUR LITTLE GIRL!

1 comment:

  1. Hehe! Taylor loves the cats toys too! It's funny how something as simple as a empty plastic container can provide far more entertainment than an actual toy! =)
